Boronia has a medium sized business district that hosts a number of businesses from various industries.
Boronia has a medium sized business precinct with roughly 660 businesses. The area focuses on retail, personal services and professional services, but also has a small manufacturing, engineering and automotive presence.
23% of businesses in Boronia still don't have a website.
12% have old websites, or websites with significant design issues.
5% have substandard websites, many of which are still not mobile friendly.
Less than 60% of businesses in Boronia have modern websites that are well designed, mobile friendly and SEO friendly!
The state of websites in Boronia is slightly above average when compared to other suburbs. Our research shows that a large percentage of businesses in Boronia have websites, however more than one third either have no website, or are not investing in quality website design (not mobile friendly, single page sites and poor SEO).
Some businesses have outdated websites or websites that aren't mobile friendly, and others have single page websites that just don't have the content to get good search results.
If your business website has these issues then contact us below, we will create a great website for your business and help with your digital marketing.